Tag Archives: cultural heritage

UAV Building Facade Recording – Part 1 – Preliminary Ideas and Experimentation

The recording of buildings is an important area in Cultural Heritage, whether for conditional surveys or to record something that is about to be destroyed.

Traditional methods rely upon survey equipment such as Total Stations to take a number of points on the façade, but this results in only points and lines with no great surface detail.

Other more detailed survey techniques such as laser scanning and photogrammetry have also been employed. But laser scanning is expensive and both the techniques are generally ground based missing detail of the façade that is not visible from this position. Scaffolding or a cherry picker can be used to record the whole of the building but again this can add to the cost the recording.

Photogrammetry is a low cost method of producing high quality results but relies upon having the camera parallel to the building to produce the best results, as capturing photographs from an angle brings inaccuracies into the recording as well as there being more detail at the bottom of the 3D model created than at the top.

The UAV would seem to provide an ideal platform to carry a camera parallel to the building, recording photographs with the required photogrammetry overlap. And with its autopilot it would seem possible to automate the recording process allowing the mapping of the façade in the same way that the UAV  can map the ground.

There are of course a number of problems that need to be overcome.

Building Façade Recording


Building façade recording can be done manually with a UAV, but the larger and more complicated the building façade the mode difficult it is to do this accurately. As the pilot needs to control the UAV accurately in 3 dimensions as well as controlling its speed.

Although the results for an experimental UAV mission are acceptable the difficulty of maintaining a manual position can be seen in the image below.


In order to automate the process you need to determine what parameters are required to record a building façade using photogrammetry.

These can be seen below.

Excel Calculations

Building facade recording parameters

First experimentation was done by taking the co-ordinates of the two ends of an example the wall from Google Earth (The south facing wall of the lay brothers’ quarters at Waverley Abbey in Surrey was used). These co-ordinates can then be used to determine the bearing that the wall lies upon and its width. Using the camera parameters and level of detail the required distance from the wall for the flight can be calculated using trigonometry. Trigonometry is once again used to calculate the offset positions for the left and right extent of the flight.


The image overlap can be used to determine the number of photographs required in the horizontal and vertical, and hence the change of altitude that is required for each flight pass of the building.

Calculate altitude changes

Calculate altitude

Although it is planned to have the ability for the UAV to hover and take photographs, it is much easier to have it take photographs as it flies across the building façade. This requires the additional calculations and control of optimum flight speed and shutter speed to take photographs which are not adversely effected by motion blur.

Shutter speed formula

Shutter speed formula

Shutter speed calculions

Shutter speed calculations

These preliminary calculations were done in Microsoft Excel.


The drone manufacturer 3DR provides a series of software development kits (SDKs) for writing applications to control your UAV using one of the open-source autopilot systems they support.

DroneKit Python uses the Python programming language and provides a number of examples to help with programming the flight of a UAV; these include flying from co-ordinate to co-ordinate up to complete missions. Together with this there is an API (application program interface) reference which provides all of the Python commands that can be used to control the UAV.


Python is a fairly easy to learn programming language and as DroneKit already requires it to be installed and setup it makes sense to use the same language to calcuate the required paramaters for the flight path. This was done with the aid of a number of online resources. A graphical user interface (GUI) was created using the Tkinter Python package and was used to enter the data. The python code did the calculations then a file is exported which combines these calculations with the DroneKit code for controlling the autopilot. The final file when run will control the UAV flight.

Python GUI

Python GUI

Virtual Drone

Experimentation doesn’t need to be done with a live UAV, it can actually be done with a virtual one using a number of pieces of open-source software. These include Mission  Planner, ArduCopterMAVProxy and SITL (Software in the loop)

Virtual Drone

Virtual Drone

Next Steps

Experimentation with a UAV using the hardware and software is the next step to test whether a GPS can be used in close proximity to a structure.

Limitations of standard UAV GPS accuracy to within the range of meters also complicates the use of this method of controlling the flight. This either needs to be solved with the use of a more accurate GPS (although the proximity to the building may block the signal), sensors that measure distances or the use of computer vision technologies to control the UAV position. The UAV afterall currently only need to fly between two set points then at set altitudes above the ground.

Microsoft HoloLens

The HoloLens was originally announced on 21 January 2015.

But it was the systems appearance at the E3 expo in America that demonstrated its abilities, including those for playing minecraft in an innovative way.

Although similar in appearance to Virtual Reality goggles the system works in a completely different way, by projecting virtual components (holograms) into a view of the real world, this is called Augmented reality.

It is believed that the HoloLens will cost between £300-£600. It is not likely that it will be available before 2016.

This system has great potential for a number of areas within Archaeology and Cultural Heritage including virtual museums, where 3D recreations of artifacts are visible to the viewer next to fragments. Or for site tours/or visits to sites of historical interest where a 3D recreation model of the site is visible on top of the excavated remains.

Those who have used it have suggested that it has a limited field of view for the Immersive elements. And it is quite expensive.

News – Google Street View Trekker

Google has announced that their Street View Trekker backpack will be available to borrow by organisations including tourism boards, non-profit organisations, government agencies, universities or research groups. The Trekker bacpack was designed to enable the recording of areas of the world where the Google Street View Car could not reach, so that the imigary could be incorporated in Street View within Google Maps.

The Street View Trekker backpack consists of a dome of 15 5-megapixel digital cameras which record images every 2.5 seconds as a person walks forward, two GPS receivers which log the location data, two SSD (Solid State Drivves) which store the data and dual lithium batteries which allow 8 hours of recording. The images are procecssed into 360 panoramas when the system is returned to the office. The system weighs 42 pounds.

With a partnership with Google heritage bodies have the ability of recording walkthoughs of important monuments easily with advanced digital technology which can be incorporated into the free Google Maps system; and as of December 2014 Historic Scotland have taken advantage of this showcasing 16 of their properties.

The system provides quality site tours of important cultural heritage which can be viewed by anyone using the Street View system.

As the system is ground based only views from this angle will be recorded, meaning that informaion from other angles is lost.

The cameras are only 5-megapixel, which work well for the intended purpose of creating web accessible 360° panoramas, but limits their usefullness for other techniques such as photogrammetry.